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9 steps to success

sand-768783_640 Great results come from more than great development. You need a simple approach to optimize your product delivery every step of the way, from business planning to product creation to sales enablement.

  1. assign playbookability and assess your current state
  2. define your ideal planning process using the Under 10 Planning Canvas™
  3. meet your market with interviews and observation
  4. plan and execute a survey to quantify what you’ve learned
  5. refresh and prioritize your roadmap and backlog
  6. create/revise your market and product personas
  7. create/revise product positioning and market messaging
  8. create/revise your sales enablement tools
  9. measure your business and market results to identify areas for improvement

The Under10 Playbook centralizes your product deliverables using standard forms for consistency across your products, no matter which team member created them.

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