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Friday fun: Color of the Year for 2018

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Stop the presses: Pantone has announced 2018’s color of the year:


In addition to keeping up-to-date on product management, I enjoy reading about sales, marketing, and design. This week, Impulse Creative shared five design trends for 2018. Add these to your patter when you complain about “look and feel” with your design and marketing teams.

  • Green is out; purple is in. Ultraviolet, actually. (Wait! I learned in school that ultraviolet rays are invisible to the human eye!)
  • Helvetica is out; Serif fonts are back. (How do I set my defaults back to Times Roman?)
  • Flat gradient (like you use in Facebook posts) is almost out—but what will we use instead?
  • Video is hotter than ever. (That is why we have coaching videos throughout Under10 Playbook.)
  • Photos are out; hand-drawn illustrations are in. (Anyone remember Microsoft's "string beans"?)

Read the full article in The Color of the Year and 4 Other Design Trends for 2018—it's really good! 

(And if you need yet more distraction, check out The Atlantic's 50 Best Podcasts of 2017. Plus my personal favorite podcast: The West Wing Weekly.)

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