The world’s smallest product management conference

The Product Leader Executive Forum is devoted to defining the right product, developing the product right—and delivering it into customers’ hands quickly. Under 10 sessions, 10 attendees. Just you, me, and a few others.

This leadership program offers a combination of online conference sessions and discussions with industry peers—all done from the convenience of your office or home, no travel required. The conference is limited to 10 attendees!

Who should attend

Product executives including CPO, CTO, VP of Product Management, VP of Marketing, and other senior titles as well as product managers, product owners, and others who define and deliver products.

Conference Topics

  • Is Agile Breaking Product Management?
  • 4 Types of Expertise for World-Class Product Teams
  • The Impact of Lean Canvas on Business Planning
  • Portfolio Strategy and The 3 Horizons
  • Prioritization and your Roadmap
  • The “Stealth Launch” and Other Product Launch Strategies
  • Dashboards and Reporting
  • Business Retrospectives

Are these some of your issues?

Most product leaders have only a few company experiences to reference but together we have many, many more. We will discuss common business frameworks and industry best practices to see how they apply to your organization’s current scenario.

In each session we’ll tackle a top-of-mind issue with proven techniques and group discussion among the participants. Lecture-style presentations are rarely the best way to learn so sessions will combine key slides with peer discussions. Over the course of the conference, we’ll cover topics that could take days in a public seminar setting and we’ll allocate the time necessary to discuss how to apply the concept in your organization.

Consider these questions: How do Agile and Lean methods impact our planning? What type of expertise do I need on my teams and how should I organize them? How can I sell the value of my team to my colleagues? The conference will drill down on each of these questions and more!

The sessions will be held at the same time each month so you can put the conference on your calendar as a recurring meeting. Participation is limited to 10 product leaders so you’ll be sure to get your issues addressed. Note: sessions will not be recorded so you can speak openly about issues and know your confidentiality will be honored.

Introductory Pricing

The Product Leader Executive Forum virtual conference is only $750. That’s less than $100 per month. An equivalent management seminar would cost $3000 or more. 

Included in your conference fee:

Future virtual conference packages will be more expensive, so be sure to sign up now before the prices go up!

Conference leader

Join industry expert, Steve Johnson, founder of Under10 Consulting, for one conference session each month. Plus, one private phone consultation is included in your conference fee.


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